Shipping - due to the massive amount of orders being received we are temporarily closed to make certain all orders are promptly shipped to their destinations.
All current orders placed thru August 4 2022 are expected to be shipped by August 19. Once all current orders have been shipped we will reopen in mid August.    Thank You For Your Support.

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Shipping -The last remaining orders placed thru May 3 2022 are expected to be shipped by May 19. Delivery time on new orders is expected to be 2-3 weeks.    Thank You For Your Support.
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SORRY, we are closed for propagation.
We will be reopening soon, please sign up to get notified. Thank you and see you soon.

XL Variegated Thai Gold Banana Tree (musa siamensis)


XL Exclusive Specimen – An absolutely stunning new variety of banana with huge, lush lemon-lime striated leaves and even a showy lemon yellow trunk with green stripes. Here at the nursery in zone 8 this new introduction reaches 8 to 12 feet in height with a 8 inch trunk diameter, we assume in warmer zones it should grow to at least 15 feet with a 10 inch trunk diameter.
This is a loose clumping variety with new plants popping up as much as 2 feet away from the mother plant. The bronze colored bloom emerges horizontally before drooping and producing small but sweet tasting seeded fruit. rarely offered

While supplies last.
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SORRY, we are closed propagation.
We are adding 600+ new plants for a new total of 1,687 varieties.
We will be reopening as soon as possible
Thank you and see you soon.
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