Shipping - due to the massive amount of orders being received we are temporarily closed to make certain all orders are promptly shipped to their destinations.
All current orders placed thru August 4 2022 are expected to be shipped by August 19. Once all current orders have been shipped we will reopen in mid August.    Thank You For Your Support.

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Shipping -The last remaining orders placed thru May 3 2022 are expected to be shipped by May 19. Delivery time on new orders is expected to be 2-3 weeks.    Thank You For Your Support.
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Lg. Variegated Candelabra Aloe Plant (aloe arborescens variegata)


AKA Striped African Torch Aloe – Long arching rosette, forming thick, large leaves of Arborescens grow slightly recurved at the ends and sport a variegated strip pattern. Perfectly suited for use as a “Living fence” it multiplies fast and planted in multiples will fill in the empty spots pronto. Large colorful flower spikes pop up in profusion during the spring to summer sporting tubular flowers in the deepest of orange to red coloration. As with all the aloe, the flowers produce nectar and are attractive to many kinds of birds and bees. This Aloe brings a spectacular lively feel to any garden environment.

While supplies last.
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SORRY, we are closed propagation.
We are adding 600+ new plants for a new total of 1,687 varieties.
We will be reopening as soon as possible
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