Shipping - due to the massive amount of orders being received we are temporarily closed to make certain all orders are promptly shipped to their destinations.
All current orders placed thru August 4 2022 are expected to be shipped by August 19. Once all current orders have been shipped we will reopen in mid August.    Thank You For Your Support.

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Shipping -The last remaining orders placed thru May 3 2022 are expected to be shipped by May 19. Delivery time on new orders is expected to be 2-3 weeks.    Thank You For Your Support.
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SORRY, we are closed for propagation.
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Butterfly Ginger Sample Plant (hedychium sp)


Butterfly Ginger Sample Plant (hedychium sp)Try One Sample Plant And You’ll Be Hooked! One fresh butterfly ginger selected at random by vigor. This is a great low cost way to start your collection. Gingers are heavy feeders and grow at their optimum potential when fertilized regularly. Very tropical and easy to grow no patio should be without this exquisite tropical. Whether in ground or in a container it enjoys rich soil with plenty of moisture.
Our Butterfly plants allow you to enjoy amazing colorful blooms in the first year or so. These seed grown gingers are very fast growing and should form a healthy stand in a year or two. (Bloom color will vary) these are seed grown plants from our over 40 variety private collection.Truly a great ginger plant! Easy to care simply water when dry. These varieties produce many offsets producing a fuller plant in just a few months.

While supplies last.
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SORRY, we are closed propagation.
We are adding 600+ new plants for a new total of 1,687 varieties.
We will be reopening as soon as possible
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