Theobroma Cacao
Are you looking to add a new addition to your family? Meet BABY THEO. This cute little guy was born on April 14 2022 in Florida and is growing fast.
A small, tropical evergreen, up to 25 feet, with thick, oblong-oval, leaves. In a 24” container, kept trimmed to 6′ this tree often produces 5 to 10 pods annually. The cacao “beans” are produced in large, angular orange-ish capsules, up to a foot long and 4 inches diameter. The capsule rind is thick, hard and leathery. The capsules grow along the trunk and main branches. The beans, or seeds, about an inch across, range from 20 to 40 per capsule, and are embedded in an acid, fleshy pulp. After removal from the capsule, the beans are washed or fermented to remove the mucilaginous pulp. Chocolate is the sweetened or unsweetened product of the roasted and ground beans, with most of the fat retained.
When Baby Theo becomes an adult, he will have beautiful deep green leaves and delicate flower that develop on his trunk. Right now he is just a baby, When properly cared for Theo will mature at around 3-5 years of age. At that point Theo will produce beautiful crimson red chocolate pods with seeds that have a delicious tart, white chocolate flavor coating. The abundant seeds can be planted to raise more Theos or fermented and ground for homemade chocolate.
Theo may be stressed from his journey from our home to yours, so make sure to give him time to acclimate to his new location before putting him in full sun.
About This Plant
Genus: Theobroma Pot Size: He’s In A 2″ Square Includes: 1 Theo With Pot Ships By: UPS Ships From: Florida USA Shipping Rate: Click Tab Above
Info. & Recommendations
Date of Birth: 4/14/22 Light: 60-85% Soil: Rich Organic Mix Fertilizer: Slow Time Released Water: When Dry to Touch Dislikes: Wet Feet Likes: 65-90°F Outdoor Zone: 9b-10b Pot Size: 10″-24″ w/Drain Holes Indoors: Locate Near Natural Light Faux Light: Grow Light Full Spectrum Needs: A Caring Home
Plants growing here are grown in a natural, humid, rainforest-like environment with little to no pesticides. Though it seldom occurs, when you receive your plant, leaves may drop, have spotting, folds, or even a bite mark or two in addition leaf browning may occur especially on plants with significant white coloration, this is only natural. Remember with plants you're in it for the long haul, to enjoy their natural beauty and possibly share a cutting or two with friends and family.
Here at the nursery, plants are grown under 40-80% shade cloth. If you're growing outdoors and plant directly in full sun you may experience leaf burn. It is best to acclimate this plant to its environment by keeping it outside and slowly moving it into a sunny area over a week or so to avoid stress. Please refer to the above guidelines.
We can not guarantee any future variegation patterns, coloration, survival or growth rate of any plant though most of the mother plants we propagate from have been successfully growing here for 20 plus years, some plants may still sport. Rest assured all variegation is natural, we do not agree with temporary Chemically Induced Variegation, (NO C.I.V.)